Geeky boardgame heaven

Castle Panic

For a little while now, Aidan has been watching Will Wheaton play boardgames on Youtube, which he claims is much more amusing than it sounds. An interstate friend of ours, Terry, has also been watching. The show has inspired us each to buy certain games that Will Wheaton demonstrates, and now between us all we have an accumulation of awesome games, but very few people to play with.

So this weekend, Terry came down from Sydney, and our friend Andrew came over too, and we had a boardgame extravaganza! Four people make for a much better gaming experience than two, and I believe much fun was had by all.

We played Castle Panic, Discworld Ankh Morpork, Ticket to Ride, Trivial Pursuit, and Munchkin.

I couldn’t tell you who won and who lost; I play for the entertainment, not for the competition. But I’m pretty sure I didn’t lose everything, so that’s fine!

Hopefully we’ll be able to do it again soon, and maybe even send the kids off somewhere – or get a babysitter in – to minimise distractions and interruptions. Although honestly, they weren’t too bad. More games, please!

Taking a metaphorical plunge

That’s me up on the wall, with Andrew on the ropes. (Chantell took the photo.)

Rock climbing is something I’ve wanted to do, on and off, for many years. It’s a desire that was rarely expressed and never acted upon, indeed it was nearly forgotten. Until a few weeks ago, when I watched Cliffhanger. And then I was like, oh yeah, rock climbing!

So I googled, and I found Hard Rock Climbing Company, who run beginner courses for those of us who had never done it before. So I gathered together my unsuspecting friends, Andrew and Chantell, and off we went!

Andrew had been climbing before, but not for a long time. Chantell and I were complete newbies. So I think we were all a little bit nervous, but in the capable hands of our instructors we were soon swarming up and down those walls like… well, like slightly nervous newbies, to be honest, but we got better and better as we went on! The three of us have agreed to do it again, maybe semi-regularly, and I’m looking forward to getting better at it!